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October 10 2023

Accept client payments electronically

💳 therapyBOSS can help you offer your clients the option of paying their bills by credit card or ACH debit! Read our separate release notes to learn about this new feature.

Relaxed constraints for changing referral source

If you create a referral for the wrong referral source, you have the means to change it except when bills were already generated. We’d understood the inconvenience of this constraint and have been working to eliminate it. Going forward, it won’t stop you from changing the referral source.

Composing messages

You’ll see a refreshed look for composing messages which will enhance your experience using it:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Layout’s modifications will make it more intuitive. It’ll also save time by defaulting to being about patient as most messages are. Further, it’ll let you embed emojis😍

Improved messaging

The messaging screen itself is improving to help you stay on top of your communication effectively. Adjusting which messages are listed will be more natural owing to the same filtering found in other screens:

therapyBOSS screenshot

In order to declutter your view of messages, the legend and the controls to display only certain types of messages are isolated in the footer:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Indication of whether a message is important and whether it should be hidden will be quicker to apply needing a single click now:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Finding messages was extended to support searching by referral source.

Refined personnel file presentation

Personnel file’s appearance is getting a redesign. No changes were made to the functionality but a much cleaner presentation will be welcomed and quicker to grasp for newer users.

Clinician’s territory coverage

Our update for clinicians will let them establish their coverage area by choosing the starting point, their home address for example, and how far from it they can travel. You’ll know what it is from your end by virtue of the revamped interface:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Clicking on the areas of coverage will open Google maps denoting the area’s reach. You can continue to maintain zip codes if you want but they will play a lesser role, especially as our next release modifies the corresponding clinician assignment filter to rely on precise areas of coverage.

Clinician’s availability

The view of clinician’s availability was redesigned as well to offer a simplified visual:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Preventing clinicians from getting assigned on the basis of referral source is still there but it’s more obvious (to be recognized) and allows for selection of multiple referral sources at once.

Faster application of filters

Responding to user feedback, we’re optimizing filters. They’ll let you simply hit the enter key as you type in the search parameter instead of having to use the mouse to click the “Apply” button.

Extra columns in patient list export

Exporting from the patient list will output two more columns to help facilitate data processing outside of therapyBOSS. The additional columns are “Referral date” and “Accepted date”.

Price list export for referral sources

If you bill referral sources, know that you can now export their price lists. It could be useful when wanting to review the rates. To obtain them, head on to Referral sources and choose the export’s “Price list” option.

Strengthened CMS-1500 validation

therapyBOSS already validates that claims have the referring provider in box 17 and their NPI in box 17b. We’ve observed a rejection recently as a result of a missing two-character code preceding the physician’s name in box 17. It was a typo but it’ll get caught next time.

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