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December 8 2023

UI refresh

It’s an ongoing effort to improve many of the visuals in therapyBOSS. Though overall aesthetics plays a role, the main focus is increasing usability. Numerous UI refinements have already been made. This update is widening all screens to eliminate empty areas around, removing alternating row color in favor of subtle shadows with greater separation between rows and making a number of other less prominent adjustments. We’re certain you’ll find the refreshed UI pleasing and easier to digest.

Billing menu rearrangement

Advancing usability was the driver for rearranging menu options under Billing, separating creation of new bills from the list of already created bills:

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therapyBOSS will default to create bills since that’s often the desired destination. Besides reducing clicks, separating the two will facilitate a more intuitive user experience.

Revamped presentation of bills

Capping visual makeover efforts in this release and offering additional functionality is the renovated bills page:

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A much streamlined layout will help you absorb information readily and speed up your interaction with it.

Receiving patient payments electronically

Our last update made it possible for your clients to pay their bills electronically. It also enabled you to incorporate discount and fees in your bills. Limited at the time to referral source clients, it’s now expanding to patients. They’ll be able to pay their bills almost effortlessly:

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Publishing patient bills

Patient portal won’t include bills if their status in therapyBOSS is “Created (new)” which gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the “Process patient bills” function. But if you don’t need it, you can indicate so under settings > Portal preferences:

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Appointment confirmations from patient portal

One more worthy patient portal update to mention is that it’ll allow your clients to easily confirm their appointments:

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Their action will automatically send an email notification to the appointment’s clinician.

Exporting bills for QuickBooks Online

Long requested export of bills for QB Online is finally here to supplement existing IIF export. You can configure which one you want under Settings > Billing preferences:

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The corresponding export choice will be available to you on the renovated bills page. Further strengthening this feature is the fact that you can specify QB-destined name for your referral sources in case they have a different name in your QB:

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Referral source preferences

Another consequential improvement is combining what used to be several screens and dialogs to manage various settings for referral sources into a single preferences screen, minimizing options to comprehend:

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Patient’s DOB in search results

Responding to user feedback, search was modified to show the patient’s DOB when hovering over patient names in search results. It’ll continue to identify patient’s referral source as well.

Coverage area filter

Letting clinicians define their territory coverage by choosing the starting point and how far from it they can travel was released previously. This update is making a change to the coverage area filter when assigning clinicians:

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therapyBOSS will instantly find clinicians if their territory coverage encompasses the patient’s GPS coordinates.

PNG attachments for clinician credentials

Clinician credentials can be uploaded as PDF or JPEG presently. We’re adding PNG to that list of compatible file formats.

SMS notification for posted referral

When posting referrals, therapyBOSS will notify by email as it has plus via SMS sending a text message to the selected clinician’s established phone number:

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Adding treatment codes

Codes will be much simpler to add going forward as you’ll be able to search and select multiple codes at once:

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Considering they aren’t added often once established initially, this particular enhancement will be more impactful for new clients.

Extra column for patient export

Exporting patients will include “Internal reference ID” which can be specified for patients on your end or by referral sources if they originate the referral.

Clinician pay rates export

Having added price list export in the last update, we’re following it with a capability to export clinician pay rates. To get it, go to Clinicians and select “Pay rates” as your export choice.

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