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March 29 2023

Quick access to all patient activity

What used to be called “All patient activity” is moving to the home screen. The dashboard will continue to come up but will look and communicate clearer and you’ll be able to toggle to submitted documentation:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Redesigned all patient activity

Besides moving all patient activity to the home screen, its presentation is also changing for enhanced usability. It’ll have more capable filtering:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Downloading notes will let you choose between several options to obtain the desired output:

therapyBOSS screenshot

The listing itself was reworked with each visit and non-visit document offering immediate access to notes, edit function and prior revisions if they are available:

therapyBOSS screenshot

This improved layout will minimize clicks, make it easier to absorb data and provide greater capabilities raising efficiency.

Revisions that you can instantly pick from will include those affecting documentation only. Other revisions, for example to visit billable or payable attributes, will be omitted but you’ll still have the “History” option to see the entire revision history.

Patient chart’s documentation tab revamped

Our efforts to increase usability extended to the patient’s documentation tab as well. The modifications in it include visual and functional improvements such as better positioned actions and robust filtering:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Instant access to frequency is here too just like a previous update added it inside the patient's calendar:

therapyBOSS screenshot

The list of visits and non-visit documents features the same new appearance described above for the redesigned all patient activity screen. It’s a much cleaner interface with access to notes, edit function and prior revisions at your fingertips:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Simplified interaction with visit and non-visit documents

You’ll notice a few adjustments when opening visits and non-visit documents in order to view their details or to make changes. It’ll be faster to get to notes:

therapyBOSS screenshot

On edit specifically, you can delete notes in place, so it’s not necessary any more to open a separate window:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Also, applicable to visits, you won’t have to attach a note if you don’t want to which means creating visits for tracking and billing purposes only will be simpler.

Altering frequency for discharged referral

Clinicians have been able to modify frequency even if referral is finalized. This helps avoid having to restart service for revisions to documentation. The same couldn’t be done from the admin side. The new update is enabling it considering that sometimes frequency gets updated by the office.

We’d like to remind you that if a referral is discharged, clinicians can still revise their documentation. Discharged referrals stay in the mobile app on their device for 90 days or more. Even after that, if not in the mobile app, clinicians can access them via the website. The only time a service truly needs to be restarted is when visits or non-visit documents are to be created beyond the original discharge date.

Additional payroll export options

We’re expanding payroll export options with two more:

  • Clinician activity summary

  • Clinician expense summary

They were requested by our clients and are yet another tool to address unique payroll preparation requirements. One more change to payroll exports based on user feedback is the inclusion of the clinician discipline.

:flag_on: Payslip available to clinicians

Recently introduced new payroll has allowed us to implement a feature for clinicians that could save you significant time and effort. Using the web app, they’ll be able to see their documentation for a chosen period, identify easily which visits are paid and open corresponding payslip (if recorded in payroll):

 therapyBOSS screenshot

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