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February 3 2023

Fast search across your data

A powerful search will now be at your fingertips to help you locate what you’re looking for instantly:

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It scans across your patients, referral sources, clinicians, payers and bills as soon as you type in a few characters and keeps narrowing down the results as you continue to type. You’ll also find it helpful that it remembers up to 5 of your recent searches that you engage with:

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New payroll

Our team has been working on a brand-new payroll capability readying it for this update. You’ll get to it by navigating to Payroll and choosing Old payroll but we recommend that you make the switch as soon as you can.

Current payroll will be available until March 31, 2023 and removed after.

Configuring payroll

You’ll be able to customize several aspects of how the new payroll functions for you. Settings will offer a designated option for payroll:

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Recording payroll

The new payroll will let you choose activities to be recorded. It’s analogous in concept to creating bills. Activities for a given pay period will be listed only if they haven’t been recorded previously:

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You’ll find the list of activities with essentially the same appearance and displaying information similar to creating bills. This should help you get comfortable with the new payroll quickly.

Payroll history

Your recorded payrolls will stay accessible for you to view them, export, print and manage otherwise:

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It’s easy to see everything pertaining to a recorded payroll and view it summarized by clinician or itemized by activity:

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Knowing when activity was included in payroll

If questioning when an activity may have been processed for payroll, simply open the activity’s history:

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You’ll notice the new Payroll column referencing payroll date if already processed for payroll.

Calendar improved

A recent update transformed the patient calendar. Having received feedback, we’re adding a couple of extra features to help you get the most out of it. One of the features is having a way to reach out to a clinician:

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The other feature is being able to hide clinician busy blocks:

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Payer field in patient reports

Two of the patient reports, Active services and Completed services, have been expanded to include the “Primary payer” column. Active services will consider the payer primary if indicated so and in effect currently. Primary payer for the Completed services report will be the one in effect as of the referral’s discharge date.

Automatic user inactivation

It’s easy to forget to disable logins when you have office users who stop working for you. therapyBOSS will automatically disable users without login in 60 days. Keep in mind that users whose logins expire through this process will be able to reactivate them by resetting.

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