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October 10 2023

Paying invoices electronically

Therapy companies will be able to accept payments from you electronically. If your provider has it set up, therapyBOSS will offer you the option of paying by credit card or from your checking account (ACH debit) and save it for convenience.

Your saved payment method will not be accessible to providers and could not possibly be used by anyone except you explicitly issuing a payment. Saved payment method can be deleted at any point.

Create button dedicated to referrals

Pressing the Create button will no longer prompt you to choose between “Referral” and “Provider connection”. It’ll go directly into creating a referral saving time. You’ll connect with new providers from the Providers area of therapyBOSS:

therapyBOSS screenshot

The Providers area will additionally and conveniently list contract amendments which essentially are new contracts from your therapy vendors awaiting your signature:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Specifying other providers (physicians) in referrals

Adding other providers in your referrals will be easier thanks to the revamped visual:

therapyBOSS screenshot

The emphasis on picking from other providers you’ve already established along with being able to search the list will reduce duplication and the unnecessary effort connected to it.

Adding patient contacts inside referrals

We’ve also simplified how you add patient contacts on creation and editing of referrals. It adopts the same approach as when maintaining contacts inside the patient’s chart:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Composing messages

You’ll see a refreshed look for composing messages which will enhance your experience using it:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Layout’s modifications will make it more intuitive. It’ll also save time by defaulting to being about patient as most messages are. Further, it’ll let you embed emojis😍

Improved messaging

The messaging screen itself is improving to help you stay on top of your communication effectively. Adjusting which messages are listed will be more natural owing to the same filtering mechanism you use in other screens:

therapyBOSS screenshot

In order to declutter your view of messages, the legend and the controls to display only certain types of messages are isolated into a footer:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Indication of whether a message is important and whether it should be hidden will be quicker to apply needing a single click now:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Finding messages was extended to support searching by provider.

Refined personnel file presentation

Personnel file’s appearance is getting a redesign. No changes were made to the functionality but a much cleaner presentation will be welcomed and quicker to grasp for newer users.

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