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December 8 2023

UI refresh

In an ongoing effort to improve the presentation of therapyBOSS screens, we’re widening them and eliminating empty areas around. You’ll also notice that we removed alternating row color in favor of subtle shadows with more separation between rows. A number of other less prominent adjustments were made as well. We’re certain you’ll find the refreshed UI easier to digest and work with.

Single screen for referrals

We’re further simplifying your navigation in therapyBOSS by minimizing the choices you possibly need to consider. Pending and active referrals will now be found on the same page:

therapyBOSS screenshot

This means the menu will have just the “Referrals” option to access your all of your referrals:

therapyBOSS screenshot

As you can see, it’ll still reflect the count of pending referrals if any.

Better patient search

While reworking the referrals screen to optimize your experience, our team also improved patient search. It’ll begin finding across active and discharged referrals after you type three letters and continue narrowing down the results as you keep typing:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Additionally, the new search will remember up to 5 of your recent searches that you clicked on in case you want to go back to any of them:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Patient chart’s “Services” tab

We replaced what you’ve known as the episodes tab with a more robust “Services” tab that will give you a quick-to-digest view of everything that matters:

therapyBOSS screenshot

All of the pieces are there including service’s status, episode dates, staffing provider, frequency, other providers, assigned clinicians, diagnoses and episode instructions.

Designating “parent” episode

Although therapyBOSS warns you when attempting to create a consecutive episode specified as new admission, mistakes happen. The two episodes had to be connected on our end before. This update will let you edit the referral to take care of it right away:

therapyBOSS screenshot

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