New messaging experience
Recognizing the high volume of information you are managing already, we wanted to make it simpler for you to keep tabs on your communication. The new messaging represents our team’s dedicated efforts to deliver on that goal.
To help transition, the original messaging feature will remain available for existing user accounts until May 31, 2024.
Conversational view of messages
Messages sent in response will now be grouped as a conversation along with the initial message. You’ll see the list of conversations arranged on the left side of the screen:

Conversations with newer messages in them will end up at the top while those that have older messages will shift downward.
Conversation at a glance
As you access a conversation, all of its messages will be presented in the panel to the right within an easily scrollable view:

therapyBOSS will let you tag conversations as important to get to these conversations effortlessly later on:

The right side of the screen is also where you’ll be able to quickly add your response to the conversation:

Indication of unread messages
The panel that lists conversations will utilize bold styling to denote conversations that have new messages. therapyBOSS will track per user whether they opened a conversation. This means that one person’s action will not affect the view for another.
Realizing that organizations can have multiple individuals accessing messages and the fact that not all of them will need to look at every conversation, unopened conversations will be automatically treated as read after 3 days.
Powerful search and filtering
You’ll have the ability to locate messages instantly by sender, recipient or specific text using the find box to enter your criteria. You’ll be given additional options as soon as you click into the find box:

therapyBOSS will default to include conversations that have messages created during the last 30 days but you could adjust that scope. A few extra options will further satisfy your search and filtering requirements.