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December 5 2024


This release incorporates OASIS-E1 notes which will become effective as of January 1, 2025. Corresponding changes to the clinician apps are also being made available.

New referral source type

There is a new referral source type called “Other” that can be enabled in settings > Services. It’ll help establish referral sources that aren’t easily categorized and don’t require additional attributes as some of our clients prefer:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Improved downloading of patient bills

If you process patient bills in therapyBOSS, you may be downloading all newly generated bills, either as separate bills or patient statements. These operations will now run faster using less resources. The same goes for downloading paper claims.

Better presentation inside patient screen

In a minor usability enhancement, the styling of the patient chart’s tabs was modified slightly to make it easier to notice them, a problem we’ve heard about from newer users:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Group treatments

Although historically offered in certain contexts, group type of activity hasn’t been handled optimally in terms of being able to duplicate it across involved patient records. Our update is taking care of this while making sure that different validation rules applied to activities on submission remain intact.

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