November 17 2022
iOS app update version 1.1.13
“Server exception“
This issue was experienced when synchronizing having typed more characters than allowed in certain fields such as message, revision comment or event memo. therapyBOSS limits total characters automatically but failed to do so correctly for emojis😞
“At least some updates cannot be authenticated“
Received on sync, this error message came up as a result of initiating a visit after navigating to the patient’s chart from inside the 30-day reassessment alert screen.
Crash when looking up medication to add
Crash occurred when choosing to add medication and looking up having typed partial names for certain drugs.
Visit completed with duration of 0 minutes
therapyBOSS validates that activities cannot be saved as complete without duration specified. It failed under extremely isolated conditions. The resolution involves additional safeguards in the app and on the server to ensure that even if somehow a visit with no duration is still saved completed in the app, it’ll be returned as incomplete upon synchronization.
Expense deleted on revision
When editing a previously completed visit that had an expense, the expense would get removed in the new revision.