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November 14 2024

  • Update to web app

  • iOS app update version 1.6.0

  • Android app update version 11.9.9

Planning your day’s route


A powerful new addition to the app will help you figure out the route for your day’s appointments. You can access it from your calendar:

therapyBOSS screenshot

therapyBOSS will instantly map out the chosen day’s appointments connecting them together and numbering the stops:

therapyBOSS screenshot

The stops' sequence will default to the order of your appointments based on their scheduled time but can also show the quickest route, i.e. optimized for actual travel conditions:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Pressing on a stop, designated with the patient name’s initial, will conveniently display the appointment’s information including the option to open navigation:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Simplified recording of visit duration

iOS, web

We're improving how visit duration gets recorded by replacing the input that required you to enter the exact duration with a simpler time out:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Time out will smartly default to the current time as you press on it, making it easy to take care of it with just one tap.

Visits should be created in therapyBOSS the moment you begin the treatment and saved (having chosen the time out) the moment the treatment ends even if documentation is incomplete. Doing so will ensure that your times match those captured by the built-in visit verification.

Visit’s verification status


It’s been possible to see visit verification information for your visits when logged in to the website. The mobile app will now have the same capability:

therapyBOSS screenshot

And, like the web app, you can press the icon to reveal the exact locations recorded by therapyBOSS during the visit:

therapyBOSS screenshot

Home Health Change of Care Notice (HHCCN)

iOS, Android, web

HHCCN is provided to Medicare home health patients to notify them of plan of care changes. It was incorporated in therapyBOSS to be completed electronically.

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