December 8 2023
Update to web app
Notes signature credentials
Some of you have been requesting to be able to specify how your credentials appear in your electronic signature. You’ll be able to do just that from the web app’s personal profile and soon in the iOS app:
Otherwise, therapyBOSS will default to your discipline as it has been. Either way the notes will reflect it appropriately.
Profile photo
You can take or upload your photo in the web app’s "Personal profile" area:
Your photo will replace the initials inside the button at the top right that lets you navigate to the different screens. An upcoming update for the iOS app will likewise permit taking the photo plus reflect it for other clinicians on the same care teams.
SMS notification for posted referral
Just FYI for therapists working with staffing providers, you may receive a text message if your therapy company posts referrals to find out whether you’d be available for the assignment. It’s a new capability they have. Related to this, we’ll soon be making it possible for you to control which notifications get sent to you in general.